Theories of human origin

Established theories of human origin and evolution: Creationism and Intelligent Design movement, Lamarck, Darwin, Mendel, Synthetic theory and the new Conditional Evolution of life

Book front cover of the Conditional Evolution of Life. Seahorse and goldfish.



Author: José Tiberius





A brief presentation of the general ideas about evolution and theories of human origin such as:

  • Creationism
  • Intelligent Design
  • Theory of Lamarck
  • Theory of Natural Selection of Darwin
  • Laws of Mendel
  • Neo-Darwinism (Modern Synthetic Theory and Punctuated Equilibrium)
  • Conditional Evolution of Life –CEL

See Criticism of previous evolutionary theories


9.a.1. Creationism and other religious theories

The aim is not to explain Creationism or other philosophical and religious trends with a greater or lesser degree of influence of essentialism or evolutionism but to expound scientific theories on evolution and man's origin.

It is impossible to prove the non-existence of a Superior Being. Creationism and other theories based on theological ideas do not have a scientific nature due to science's essence. However, it does not mean that someone cannot believe said existence and not just by an act of faith.

See chapter III about criticism of Creationism



9.a.2. Intelligent Design

The Intelligent Design movement has recently appeared as an updated version or modernization of the Theory of Creationism. This movement began in 1991, although it has deep roots in creationism and the Lamarck theory.

Although Intelligent Design is not a formal theory, this movement removes itself from the Theory of Creationism as soon as it attempts to explain evolution and human origin within the scope of scientific research, which is why we separate it from the genuinely religious theories.

The Intelligent Design movement developed in the early nineties, although the ideas are much older. It implies the existence of a teleological or finalist evolution and, consequently, that theories of random mutations and Natural Selection would no longer constitute the main components of change.

At times, we have to admit that the radical defenders of the Darwin theory and orthodox science remind us of the Holy Inquisition and, therefore, have as many religious-philosophical connections as Intelligent Design, or even the most orthodox Creationism.

Intelligent Design attempts to get close to science from a religious point of view, which might not be good enough, but it is a good step.

See chapter III about criticism of Intelligent Design